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UV Optical Technology for optimal measurements of COD, BOD, TSS, TOC


The StacSense probe uses UV absorption at 254 nm to measure organic compounds dissolved in water. This absorbance is correlated with the concentration of TOC, COD and BOD to provide a high-performance probe requiring no consumables.
A reference measurement at 530 nm is used to compensate for the presence of particles in the sample that also absorb UV light and to establish the Turbidity parameter.
The use of a state-of-the-art high-performance UV LED, combined with rigorous ignition management, offers an optimal variance of the signal


  • Urban wastewater treatment: detecting organic load variations during input / treatment process / output.
  • Treatment of industrial effluents
  • Surface water monitoring
  • Fish farming, aquaculture (freshwater)
  • Drinking water: monitoring Organic matter in raw water, oxidation process, coagulation, activated carbon


  • UV 254 spectral absorption without any reagents or consumables.
  • Multi-parameter measurement: SAC , CODeq, TOCeq & BODeq, Turbidityeq
  • Modbus RS-485 digital communication.
  • Automatic Turbidity compensation

Measuring Range
PH range – pH2 to pH12
Measurement principle
UV 254 nm absorption
Optical paths
2 and 50 mm
1600 - 1800g depending on the optical path (cable not included)
48x371 or 48x419 (see overall dimensions diagram)
Light Source
LED UV 254 +/- 5nm and 530 +/- 5 nm
Turbidity at 530 nm Internal temperature
Wave lengths
254 nm (turbidity correction at 530 nm)
Type of detector
Silicon Photodiode
Measuring Range
COD : 0-5000 mg/l
Measuring Range
BOD : 0-5000 mg/l
Measuring Range
TOC : 0-5000 mg/l


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